A review of the Rubik’s Amazing Box of Magic Tricks from Marvin’s Magic.
Let’s all be honest here. After half a term of home schooling parents are currently desperate to find a way to keep they children off screens and entertained. Half term after a six week slog is so very welcome, but it’s not like any other half term is it?
In that brief period where the kids were back at school last year there was one craze that seemed to be sweeping through my daughter’s Year 6 class – the Rubik’s cube. Now I remember when I was at Primary School and we were all obsessed with these and loved trying to do them. These days it’s all a bit different with YouTube videos and even apps too help kids master them. But what next to keep their attention? That’s where the Rubik’s Amazing Box of Magic Tricks from Marvin’s Magic totally comes into its own.
This beautiful box makes such perfect use of the iconic Rubik’s cube design that at first I was quite tempted to keep the box for myself! Inside you find 40 magic tricks that all make use of the Rubik’s cube in some way. The perfect number to mark the 40th anniversary of the Rubik’s cube itself.
All the tricks and puzzles are designed for children aged 8 and over, so are perfect for little hands rather than adult sized ones. Some take a bit of working out and practice, whilst others are pretty much good to go once you’ve read through the instructions once. What I really liked about it is just how much variety there is in the box. Some kids can do slight of hand, whilst others struggle with it. Some love optical illusions, whilst others prefer something practical. This box covers all bases.
I set my two (aged 8 and 10) loose on the Box of Tricks and they absolutely loved it. They spoke about how much some of it reminded them of our pre-Covid visit to Edinburgh and the amazing World of Illusions there. Having illusions that they could do themselves gave them a certain thrill after seeing all the large ones there.
The wonder of a magic set like this one is that you can also hand it over to the kids, ask them to go away and research and practice the tricks in the privacy of their bedrooms (after all they want to trick you don’t they?) and then come back down and give the whole family a magic show. It’s a great, practical way of getting the kids away from a screen, and also getting my two to work together as a team for a bit. And who doesn’t love a magic show?
A magic set is actually something my kids haven’t really had before. They’ve been bought a few practical jokes as gifts before, but this is their first full set, and Rubik’s Amazing Box of Magic Tricks is a stunning one to start with. I really can’t say too much about how beautifully this set is put together. Anyone that is a fan of the Rubik’s cube design will simply love this. It has been done so well that it makes it both a collector’s item and a stunning gift to a slightly older child. When thinking about age ranges, the published one is 8+ and I think that’s right here. My 8 year old needed a little bit of help with a couple of the things in the box, but my 10 year old was able to take it all on independently.
Rubik’s Amazing Box of Magic Tricks from Marvin’s Magic is available to buy online here. At the time of writing it is priced at £24.99.
Disclaimer: We were sent the Rubik’s Amazing Box of Magic Tricks for the purposes of this review. All opinions remain my own. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through on them and buy anything I will receive a small commission, but it will cost you no more than if you had arrived at the site independently. Many thanks for any purchases you make. They are very much appreciated.